Saturday, August 2, 2014

WHO Warns Ebola Outbreak Is Getting Out Of Control, Spreading Faster Than Efforts to Control It

A news agency, Sahara Reporters, says Ghana has officially banned all flights from the 3 Ebola-ravaged countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone; and also from Nigeria where a Liberian man with the disease who flew in for a conference last week took ill and died. Few hours ago, the World Health Organization through its director general warns the infection may be spiraling out of control.

Ebola diease

'Catastrophic' Consequences of Ebola

The director-general of the WHO warned Friday that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading quickly and the consequences could be "catastrophic" if greater efforts to control the outbreak aren't put into place now.

"This outbreak is moving faster than our efforts to control it," Director-General Margaret Chan told the presidents of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast at a gathering in Conakry, the capital of Guinea.

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socioeconomic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said.

The Current Crisis and Consequences

The world's largest Ebola outbreak is in its fifth month and escalating in West Africa. Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia have together reported 1,323 cases, of whom 729 people have died. Neighboring Ivory Coast is at risk if the outbreak isn't tamed.

Also Friday, French authorities recommended for a second day that nationals suspend all travel to West African countries where cases of Ebola have been identified in a bid to prevent spread of the deadly disease to France.

The WHO's Dr. Chan praised the leaders gathered for their concern and political commitment - demonstrated this week with new measures such as deploying soldiers to quarantine stricken neighborhoods in Sierra Leone.

But, she said, "This meeting must mark a turning point in the outbreak response."

The dead include more than 60 health-care workers, she said, and other health-care staff have been infected. They include two Americans who are now believed to be under evacuation to Emory University in the U.S. for intensive care.

Challenges Mitigating Against Control As WHO Launch $100 Million Campaign

Dr. Chan said: "This is an unprecedented outbreak accompanied by unprecedented challenges." Among them is the fact that it is caused by the most lethal Ebola strain.

"Chains of transmission have moved underground. They are invisible. They are not being reported," she said, "Because of the high fatality rate, many people in affected areas associate isolation wards with a sure death sentence, and prefer to care for loved ones in homes or seek assistance from traditional healers," she said.

"Such hiding of cases defeats strategies for rapid containment. Moreover, public attitudes can create a security threat to response teams when fear and misunderstanding turn to anger, hostility, or violence," she said.

However, she said that Ebola can be stopped with a well-managed response. She said that she would lead an international response coordinated by the WHO. Yesterday the organization said that it was launching such an effort with its member states that would cost $100 million.

The demands created by the outbreak in West Africa "outstrip your capacities to respond," she told the four presidents.

"The situation in West Africa is of international concern and must receive urgent priority for decisive action at national and international levels," she said.

France Bans Travel To Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria

Meanwhile, the French Foreign Ministry warned that travel to Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria should be suspended unless absolutely necessary.

French citizens who travel to the area should avoid going to the jungles of Guinea and the areas identified in Sierra Leone and Liberia, the ministry said, adding people shouldn't consume or manipulate meat from jungle animals and should avoid direct contact with body fluids from people suffering from high fever.

When returning to France, people traveling from the four African countries should contact immediately emergency health services if they show symptoms such as fever.

Culled from initial news story by Wall Street Journal entitled "WHO Warns of 'Catastrophic' Consequences of Ebola" here.

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